You’ve put together your holiday shopping list and checked it out several times, but you’re still wondering “Did I buy the right gift?”
No need to worry, we’ve provided 5 tips to help you during the December holiday season.

Make your list
First, write down in the list who you are buying the gift for and make a note of your budget. Then determine how much you are willing to spend for each person.

Give them something they want
Think about what you will give to your loved one. Think about their hobbies and what they like. Don’t buy a gift that you think they need.

Money as a gift
Research shows that one of the most popular gifts is actually money, so money can also be used as a gift. However, we should first ask ourselves whether money will be a suitable gift for this person (links to previous advice).

Don’t compare the price of gifts
If someone has given you a gift that is more expensive than the one you bought do not worry, and the same is said the other way around. In gifting, the thought that was consecrated in choosing the gift counts the most.

Don't forget to say thank you
Don’t forget to say thank you for all the gifts you receive.
For people who are close to you, a verbal thank you is enough, but if you received a gift via a shipment, you need to contact and thank the person. The way you thank a person depends on the nature of the personal contact you have with the person. So, for someone close, it can be a phone call, and for others, you can send an email or better yet, a handwritten thank you letter.
After all of the tips above, finding the right gift is still hard work, so you can take a look at our GIFTS offer, which can be found on our website. After all, the holidays are the ones that bring us closer and our loved ones are the ones that make the holidays magical. We wish you pleasant and magical December holidays.