Pre-treat stains
If you get your favorite clothes dirty, the best solution to remove the stain is pre-treatment or processing. Moisten the place where the stain is with detergent or OXI STAIN REMOVAL GEL, which can be found on our website, and let the garment absorb the product before washing it.

Do not overdo it with detergent
Believe it or not, greater use of detergent does not mean cleaner laundry. Not only that, but too much detergent can leave residue on the laundry, making it hard, colorless, and making clothes age faster.


Turn dark clothes from the inside out
To keep your dark clothes in their original color, turn them outward before putting them in the washing machine. This simple trick will help you fight the fading that can happen when you wash black clothes.

Choose a shorter cycle
As long as your clothes aren’t heavily dirty, a shorter cycle is a smarter choice. Whether the clothes are delicate or not, reducing the number of turns of your clothes during washing prolongs their lifespan.

If possible, use cold water
Cold water is usually less aggressive to fabrics than hot water, which can cause shrinkage and stretch. Coldwater is also more friendly to light and dark colors as opposed to hot water, which fades the colors. In addition to the above, cold water saves energy and is also more environmentally friendly.