Have you ever noticed you are more frequently getting sick during the winter period? Scientists have recently found that seasons affect certain gene activity. In winter time for instance, increased activity of genes linked with inflammation has been identified. Inflammation is considered to be the tell-tale sign of cold and flu and represents a way of our body trying to protect us. Check our 8 tips which will help to prevent your body from using such defensive mechanisms.

  1. Wash your hands

Communicable diseases are most commonly transmitted through unclean hands. Regular and in-depth washing of your hands is therefore the best way to get rid of harmful microorganisms.

  1. Get vaccinated

Vaccines can prevent many communicable diseases, caused by bacteria.

  1. Be careful when preparing food

Food can carry germs as well. When preparing food be sure to wash your hands, surface, and utensils. Cook and keep foods at proper temperatures.

  1. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing

Preferably cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, but you can also cough and sneeze in your elbow. In case you use your hands, don't forget to wash them immediately.

  1. Don't share your personal items

If possible, avoid sharing your personal items that are hard to disinfect, such as toothbrush, razor, or towel.

  1. Keep your distance from sick people

Keeping an appropriate distance prevents germs to be transferred onto you.

  1. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose

All abovemetioned areas represent a suitable entry point for viruses and bacteria into your body.

  1. Disinfect commonly used surfaces

Germs can live on inanimate surfaces too. In order to eliminate them, cleaning with soap and water usually suffices. Nevertheless, disinfectants are much more effective with this task. Check our offer of DISINFECTANTS and other MEANS OF DISINFECTION.