Perception of romance differs from person to person. For some, there is nothing more romantic than a simple walk in the nature, while others bet on a glamorous dinner at the distinguished restaurant. There are many different ways to prepare a romantic atmosphere, for each one a comprehensive picture has to be taken into account. Only by activating all of our senses, we will be able to create an ideal romantic situation. Read some of the tricks pertaining to individual senses, that might give you some ideas or help you to produce a romantic atmosphere.

The hearing

It has been proven that music has powerful effect on our brains. Jazz, soul or classical music is always suitable for creating a passioante ambiance. Don't forget that music is here only for the romantic background, therefore its soud level shouldn't be to high and enough room for conversation should be left. Be sure to choose your words carefully and in advance.

The taste

Each person has its own taste. Enquire about the taste of a person you wish to seduce. Make sure your breath is nicely fresh. Chocolate, strawberries, or other afrodisiacs should always be available at hand. Served drink shall always be just a complementary to food.

The smell

Smell is one of the most primitive senses, aimed at assesing the food, sensing the predators and selecting the partner. Use some perfume or cologne, but don't exaggarate. You can always use some aromatic oils to create a nicely smelling place.

The touch

If the romantic atmosphere is prepared well enough, a touch will inevitably follow. Try to soften the palms of your hands using some cream and cut your nails short and smooth so you won't injure your partner. You can use special cream or oil, in case you decide for a massage.

The sight

Humans are essentially visual creatures. Therehore, you firstly need to tidy the place. Furthermore, soft and dim light is the most suitable for creating a romantic atmosphere. In order to achieve that kind of light try using some of our CANDLES from our special offer.